
[English Version]

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We use Z-tree for experiments on game theory.

For simulations, we use SWARM and java.


ALEX 4 is a program that simulates electoral systems according to a population of voters, which can also be simulated. The program has been described in various publications, the most recent of whici is the Working paper n.91 of the Dipartimento POLIS.

This publication describes version 4.1.x of the program. The new features and userguide for more recent versions can be found in the "readme" directory, file "readme.pdf" for the downloaded program.

You can download the program from one of the following links. Each zip file contains the source and a compiled version of the program.

This program will compile withoud errors and (almost) without warnings under Java 1.6. It needs at least Java 1.5 to run. This version introduces the computation of power indexes on parliaments (Shapley-Shubick, Owen, Myerson, Deegan-Packel, Holler, Banzhaf + new indexes 'Alex1', 'Alex2' e 'FP').

The 17/05/2018 update corrects a bug in the computation of the 'Alex2' power index.

This program will compile without errors and (almost) without warnings under Java 1.6. It needs at least Java 1.5 to run.